Margaret, to everyone else was a kind sweet, woman with a caring nature.
To me, she was grandma. A grandma is go gave me cuddles and soothed me when I fell over, believe it or not, this happened a lot!!! She shared her sweeties - we loved chocolate limes. She encouraged me and would patiently listen when I told her about my newest endeavours and adventures, and how I could climb the tallest trees now. She would cheer me on at volleyball, and get overjoyed when I won, yet another sponge for Jo and my dad on the Tombola.
All in all she was a wonderful woman with an even bigger heart. Thank you for welcoming me into our family, you’ll be sorely missed by me and every single persons life you touched.
Love you forever, I’m so sorry you’re gone, I look forward to seeing you again. ❤️🌈
28th April 2022